It was so much fun to see everyone's schedules! Here's my weekly schedule...
We are contracted to work from 7:55-3:55, but we all know that we work MUCH longer than that! I usually arrive around 7:30 because I bring my own personal child to school with me (pros and cons to that!), so it's difficult to get out of the house any earlier. It's rare that I'm out the door by 4pm, but lately I haven't had a choice. My son started playing select baseball and also plays for a local baseball league too. We usually are at baseball practice or games 4 days during the week and sometimes as many as 5 games on the weekends. Yikes!!!!
I'm blocked, so I teach the same subjects 3 times a day. We call it...Trios! I think my last block are the fortunate souls because I figure out what didn't work with the first two blocks and I'm able to adjust my lesson by the time I see my last class.
Community Circle is a time for community building activities or quick Minute to Win It games.
Extended Learning Time is when the kiddos are pulled for Intervention, Speech or Social Groups. Those who aren't being pulled are working on enrichment activities. This is also my opportunity to pull kids from all 3 of my blocks to reteach any skills they haven't mastered.
The kids rotate daily for Specials and I'm going to admit that I'm a little jealous of those of you who have Technology on your specials rotation. The district I use to work for had Technology on their specials rotation, but not my current district. We still have Technology objectives, but those objectives are put back on the regular classroom teachers to teach. You know, in our spare time!
Several times we have to make adjustments to our schedule for Library (Fridays), Professional Learning Communities (we call it PDR & we rotate every other week), Grade Level Musicals, School-Wide Programs, Author Visits, Field Trips, ect... It seems like lately all we've done is adjust our schedule for this or that!
Duty...ha ha, you said DUTY!!! My grade level rotates our duty weekly. So, there are some weeks I'll have a morning duty & some weeks I'll have afternoon duty. Once in a blue moon, we have a duty free week.
So, that's my weekly schedule in a nutshell!
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