First, we discussed the elements of plot and the students glued plot notes into their reader's notebook.
Click here to grab the notes the students glue into their reader's notebooks. I usually shrink them to fit two on a page.
After we've discussed the elements of plot, I use a book that they are already familiar with to plot the events onto the story mountain (plot map). We had previously read the book, Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon, to discuss theme and point of view. So, I used this book to plot the events of the story onto a large story mountain that I printed from our plotter with the assistance of the students. (sorry, forgot to take pictures of this)
The next day, I read another story to them...My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother
Next, I split the kids up into groups. They are given the events of the story and a large story mountain. They have to place the events onto the story mountain. This is the result...
The next day, I have the students get with a partner to read a story from Scholastic's Storyworks magazine. Have you heard of it? Love it!!!! Unfortunately, it's a little expensive for a whole class set. However, I have a copy of the story we used. Click here for the story and here for the questions.
Finally, before I assess them individually about what they've learned about plot structure, I put them into groups again. This time they have to read a book, plot the events onto a large story mountain and teach it to the class. Before they added the events onto the big story mountain, I had them create one in their reader's notebook. As a review of skills previously taught, they had to tell us the point of view and theme of the story. I figure if they are able to teach it, they've mastered it! Take a look...
Wow! That was an entire week worth of activities rolled into one blog post!
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