It is my new FAVORITE read aloud! I discovered this gem last year and totally fell in love with it. The book has such a wonderful message about acceptance and kindness. My students love the book too!
Here's the book trailer...
Before I ever begin reading the book, I show the kids a video clip from Britain's Got Talent.
The book is broken up into "parts" and is told from several character's point of view. Before I finish reading the first part of Auggie's point of view, I play this video of the song Wonder by: Natalie Merchant.
I have the students write a response that compares the book Wonder with the song Wonder. Click here to grab the response. Before I ever give them the response, I have them listen to the song first. Then, I read the response to them and give them another opportunity to hear the song again before writing.
One of Auggie's teacher's, Mr. Brown, posts monthly precepts in his class and the students have to write an essay on the meaning of that precept. I keep a poster of those same precepts and the students have to work in groups to come up with their own meaning of the precept. Take a look...
The kids are always curious what Auggie looks like. And in the first chapter, Auggie says "I won't describe what I look like, whatever you're's worse". So, we don't get a glimpse of Auggie's appearance until part 2, Via's point of view. It's called...August Through a Peephole. When I get to this chapter, I have the students bring their reader's notebook and a pencil to the floor. Then, I read the portion of the chapter that describes Auggie...FIRST. Next, I have the students draw what they visualize Auggie looks like based on Via's description of him, as I read that portion again to them. After they've finished drawing Auggie, I give the students a minute to share their drawings. I take this opportunity to point out how important it is to use descriptive words in their writing, so their reader can create those mental pictures in their heads. It's amazing how each student's portrait of Auggie is VERY similar. Take a look...
After I've read Via's point of view, I share this video of the song Beautiful by: Christina Aguilera.
Again, I have the student's write a response comparing the book to the song. I follow the same procedures as the first response. Click here to grab the response.
We haven't finished the book yet, so stayed tuned!

I LOVE Wonder. I just recently wrote a blog post about this book. The Wild Rumpus shared some other powerful videos that I linked too. I definitely plan on reading it again...and again. It's that WONDERful! Such a strong message that every child needs to hear.
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'