I did it!!! I finally created my blog! I've been saying that I'd start one for about 6-9 months now, but life and school got in the way. Now that I'm on summer vacation, I really had no excuse.
The blog is still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to spend much of the summer trying to figure out how to use it. What do you think of the background? Super cute, right? My wonderful husband helped me put it together.
My plan was to hook up with Megan @ I Teach. What's Your Superpower? to help create my blog. I met her at a Blogger Meet Up and she's super talented. Well, when I told my husband my plan, he was a little offended. My husband what like..."Hello? Do you know what I do for a living?" My husband is a web designer. I was like..."Duh, I'm an idiot!" I have a FREE designer at home, well, not totally free..*wink, wink* Anyway, it took him no time at all to put this together. Are you impressed? Yep, me too! I think he might be sorry he offered to help me.
Wow!! Your first blog post! Congratulations! Your husband did an AMAZING job! He must be a keeper:) Thank you for stopping by my blog and welcome to the bloggy world as a fellow blogger. You will LOVE it!
Fourth Grade Flipper
Thanks so much for the compliment & I'm still trying to get the hang of it. I'm super excited!