Monday-I took the girls to the library. I signed them up for the Summer Reading Program, so we stopped off at the library to stock up on some books. Take a look...
My youngest daughter is in LOVE with Spongebob Square Pants. When she gets upset you'll hear her say "Ah, tarter sauce!"
Tuesday-We went to lunch with my sister-in-law. She recently got a new job and we hadn't seen her new office. These are my girls with their Aunt...
Wednesday-We had to make a trip to the store for ONLY 4 items, but we walked out with 15 because they were doing the shopping...
Thursday-We hooked up with some fellow teachers from my school for a play date. A fabulous kinder teacher puts together a schedule of events every Thursday throughout the summer. It's nice to stay in touch with my peeps over the summer.
Friday-Just hanging out and relaxing at home! Although, I will be making some FABULOUS green sauce. If you live in Texas you NEED to get this stuff @ HEB...
O.M.G. this stuff is the BOMB! If you are interested in trying it out, follow the steps below...
1. Smash 3 avocados
2. Add 1/3 jar of That Green Sauce
3. 1 cup of sour cream
4. several tablespoons of ranch dressing (optional, but really good)
5. Add some seasoning for taste (I used Adams Reserve House Rub)
6. Mix all ingredients together and ENJOY!!!
WARNING: It's super even says that on the jar!
Wow! That pool looks super nice and refreshing. It was a muggy day here in Ohio!
Sadly, it isn't my pool. We were over at a fellow teacher's house. It gets extremely hot & humid in Texas!